The aim of the Junior Programme is to create a joyous learning space for children to feel comfortable with themselves and their new environment. To sow and nurture the seeds of wisdom in the formative years of education, the Junior wing of Raj International School consists of highly-trained and experienced teachers to inculcate the foundation of contemporary education.
At the heart of the Junior Programme is a commitment to inquiry and exploration as vehicles for learning. We foster innate curiosity in children through concrete hands-on experiences which occur in contexts that take the shape of ‘themes and expeditions. These experiential units enable learning which provides scope for integration of language, science, environmental science, music, and movement, free from the boundaries of isolated subjects.
To develop an understanding of Math, children move from stages of experiencing concrete objects to pictorial representation and finally abstract thinking.
Art and music are languages through which a child can express herself creatively. Following the Kodaly method, children are introduced to musical concepts through a variety of experiences of listening and movement. Children are equipped with basic skills of art education and explore various forms of art to develop an appreciation of arts and aesthetics. Physical Education at this stage is centred on developing tactile skills and improving balance and movement, precursors to later growth and choices.