Cultural Activities in School

Today’s education system is not just confined to academics but modern-day schools focus on imparting skills to students like personality development, confidence building, communication skills, etiquettes, etc. Cultural activities come into play in instilling these skills in the students.

Encouraging students to participate in cultural activities is the most effective way to inculcate personality-related skills. These include activities like dancing, singing, sports, etc. Unfortunately, many parents and students find these activities as total waste of time and energy. However, the truth is entirely different as cultural activities enable students to gain confidence and understand their culture in a much better way.

    Some of the important cultural activities in schools are:-

  • Local festival celebration
  • Charity Events
  • Parades
  • Sports events
  • Dance and music competitions
  • Painting competitions
  • Debates and speeches
  • Exhibition and workshop
  • Dramatics

Benefits Of Cultural Activities In Schools

1. These vanish stage fear

Stage fear is a common problem faced by many students and even adults. However, schools can reduce this stage fear of students by encouraging them to participate in cultural activities. Getting rid-off stage fear is the first step toward gaining confidence.

2. Better academic performance

The students who are involved in extra-curricular activities score higher in academics because of their increased self-esteem and high creativity level. Extra-curricular activities refresh the mind of students and allow them to study with more concentration. Students gain more knowledge about different fields and the status-quo through such activities.

3. Good understanding of time management

A student involved in co-curricular activities learns the art to balance academic as well as extracurricular activities simultaneously. They learn to manage their time in order to give appropriate time to both things. They pre-plan their schedule and this habit benefits them throughout their life.

4. Learn new skills

Students acquire new skills through such activities that are useful for their life. The students who are involved in extra-curricular activities learn social skills, critical thinking skills, teamwork and many other skills. They develop have better leadership skills and peer understanding.

5. Sense of responsibility

When a student is given a task to accomplish, it develops a sense of responsibility in them. A student participating in extra-curricular activities has the responsibility to carry it successfully. This makes the students more responsible for the work assigned to them.

6. Increase self-confidence

When students get successful in cultural activities, it gives a boost to their self-esteem. This self-esteem helps them to face the outer world more confidently. Furthermore, they face their academic challenges in a much better way.

So, these were some of the advantages of organizing cultural activities in schools and encouraging the students to participate in these activities. At MIT Vishwashanti Gurukul, we aim at holistic development of students. That is why we give importance to cultural activities. We organize an array of extracurricular activities and encourage each student to participate in these. In this way, our students develop as well-balanced individuals who have an impressive academic record and impeccable personality. So, if you want to mold your child into a well-balanced individual, then send him/her to MIT Vishwashanti Gurukul, one of the best boarding schools in India.